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Christmas News Letters -

Not all Christmas letters are bragging ones.

Christmas News Navigation:

General Suggestions

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Three short examples

Full-length examples

From me:

01 A practical joke
02 My grandparents die
03 English Tour
04 Barn swallows
05 Buying hubcaps
06 Group photos
07 Mr. Science
08 Backpacking, Middle English
09 Leukemia
10 Comfort Clothes
11 Marmots and Texas
12 Eagle, Turkey and Emu
12 Accident and Hike

From Alert Readers:
01 In the Foothills
02 Excess
03 Things unsaid
04 11 Kids
05 Multiple Choice
06 . . . bit my ear
07 Facts and Stats
08 Neiheisel Review
09 Family and Horses
10 Sing a Song
11 The Professional
2007 Collection
2008 Collection
2009 Collection
2010 Collection
2011 Collection

Erma Bombeck & Martha Stewart
Around the World
Coping with DUI
Defining Pretentious
The 12 McQ's

Other sections on my web site:
Peace Corps
Web Design
Misc. Essays

May the blessing of this holy season fill you with joy and peace!

1998 was not the greatest year for the Rogers. In February I was let go by the church, and even though the charges of grand theft were eventally dropped, the legal fees sent us into backruptcy. Linda became so depressed that she took a medical leave from teaching and took off to Mexico for a month with one of her student teachers. She returned just in time to learn that our dogs ran away when the house burned down, which wouldn't have been so bad except our homeowners insurance had lapsed. Linda and I have reconciled and just purchased a 1966 VW van so we can visit all of our friends now that we are homeless. We look forward to seeing you very soon.

Well, no, none of the above is true, but you have to admit it makes more interesting reading that what our lives have really been like!

This is one page of over four dozen devoted to Christmas news letters. The main Christmas News Letters page has links to more examples, plus some general guidelines and specific suggestions for writing Christmas news letters. If you have an example, either good or bad, that you'd like to share with the rest of the world, send it to me and I'll add it to these pages.

Problems, comments or complaints? Need an opinion? Send E-mail to:
This page updated: June 21, 2014