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The Peace Corps Stories: Maps

These two maps accompany the "Peace Corps Stories" section of my web site. There is a navigation bar and an e-mail link to me at the bottom of the page.


Map of South-East Asia showing Malaysia

The Federation of Malaysia consists of nine states on the Malay Peninsula (West Malaysia) and two states, Sarawak and Sabah, on the island of Borneo (East Malaysia).


Map of Sarawak, a state in the Federation of Malaysia

The Main Stories Page has an introduction and a brief summary of each story, plus links to Peace Corps and Sarawak sites. Three of the stories took place in Saratok:
I Was (Almost) Tattooed by Headhunters
Quentin, the World Traveler
Stalking Extremely Small Game.

The Christians and the Pagans was in Bario.
We Visit the Land Dayaks was outside of Kuching.
One Snippet was in Sibu, one back home in Modesto.

I have some pictures of Sarawak.

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This page updated: June 20, 2014